Training by topic: Aggression and de-escalation

7 Positive Strategies for Managing Aggressive Behavior in Young Children

Meltdowns can cause misery for the child and everyone around them. The good news is that adults can take charge and get support to manage aggressive behavior in ways that are effective without being shaming.

  • Presented by Irene van der Zande, Kidpower Executive Director and Founder
  • Format: information packet via PFD reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour
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Caring for the aggressive child in foster care

Part one: Strategies for reducing aggression

Understand and learn to reduce aggressive behavior of a child in care.

  • Presented by Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 3 hours

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Part two: Responding to out-of-control behavior

Learn how to respond to out-of-control child behaviors.

  • Presented by Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 2 hours

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De-escalation skills

Part one

Learn how to de-escalate angry and potentially aggressive situations.

  • Presented by Jonathan Bower, Denali Family Services
  • Format: self-study via audio
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour
  • Extra materials: handout

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Part two

Learn de-escalation skills and techniques called "blending" to address aggressive interactions, plus the importance of self-care.

  • Presented by Jonathan Bower, Denali Family Services
  • Format: self-study via audio
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour
  • Extra materials: handout

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Five unhelpful responses we have to escalated children and adults

Learn what to avoid, what to do, and how to prepare to respond to someone who is escalated and targeting you.

  • Presented by Cognitive Supports
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Parenting 911: When things get tough

Learn strategies for caring for children with challenging behaviors.

  • Presented by Aileen McInnis, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading (Tiny Training Byte series)
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Using a "stop and think" plan to help with processing

Learn how a stop-and-think proactive plan can help process situations as they happen.

  • Presented by Cognitive Supports
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Why practicing can help with emotional regulation

Learn what emotional regulation is and how practicing can help from a cognitive skills perspective.

  • Presented by Cognitive Supports
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Youth bullying prevention

Learn to recognize the characteristics of bullying behaviors among youth. Understand positive ways to address these traits and how to promote positive social behaviors.

  • Presented by Chelsie Morrison-Heath, STAR
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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