Training by topic: Autism spectrum disorders

Understanding sensory processing series for resource families

Module one: Understanding the senses

Learn about sensory processing, how to identify and understand the eight senses, and the four common kinds of sensory processing problems.

  • Presented by Bailey Rainey, MOT,OTR/L
  • Format: webinar
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour
  • Extra materials: handout

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Module two: Real-life strategies

Learn real-life strategies to address daily life for children and youth who have sensory processing impacts.

  • Presented by Bailey Rainey, MOT,OTR/L
  • Format: webinar
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour
  • Extra materials: handout

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Social Skills Training for Adolescents and Young Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Learn about the different types of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

  • Presented by UCLA Center for Autism Research and Treatment
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Autism Spectrum Disorders

Learn about the different types of Autism Spectrum Disorders.

  • Presented by Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: information packet via PDF reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Tips for personal hygiene: Real-life tips for kids with autism

Learn strategies to help improve personal hygiene skills for youth on with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

  • Presented by Children's Specialized Hospital
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: .5 hours

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Using social stories with children with autism

Learn how to use social stories to support children with autism in your care.

  • Presented by Jodi von Brandt, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading (Tiny Training Byte series)
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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