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Training by topic: Transition to another placement or home

Transitioning to Adoption from Foster Care

Brenda Ursel with the Alaska Center for Resource Families and Erica Johnson with the Office of Children's Services explore what are the best ways to help a child make the transition from foster care into an adoptive home.

  • Presented by Brenda Ursel, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF audio
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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Moving children from foster care to permanency

Learn strategies for supporting children when they are experiencing multiple moves.

  • Presented by Brenda Ursel, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via PDF reading
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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The 3-5-7 model and lifebooks

Learn about the 3-5-7 model and how to use the model, and the development of lifebooks, to help children in foster care understand their own personal story.

  • Presented by Rachel Hanft, Alaska Center for Resource Families
  • Format: self-study via video
  • Training hours awarded on completion: 1 hour

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For my more training on transitions, check ACRF's webi-conference:

Building the Bridges: Planning for Transitions